Acute Pain

Conditions/Acute Pain

Acute pain is pain that comes on suddenly and usually has an intense and sharp quality. There are many causes of acute pain, including injury and trauma. Most cases of acute trauma will resolve on their own, but some can lead towards chronic pain, which just means it has lasted for more than a few weeks.

Common causes of acute pain include:

1. Injury: Accidents, falls, fractures, sprains, cuts, and burns can trigger acute pain.

2. Medical conditions: Acute pain may be caused by conditions like kidney stones, appendicitis, or infections.

3. Inflammation: Inflammatory responses in the body, such as those from arthritis or infections, can lead to acute pain.

4. Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s)

5. Sports/Athletic Events

6. Auto Accidents

7. Sleeping wrong

8. Lifting/Bending

9. Work Related

10. Playing with the kids

Some types of acute pain can represent a medical emergency. Because of this, all patients at Hatten Family Chiropractic are evaluated with a detailed medical history and a comprehensive physical exam. At the end, the doctor will provide a report of findings and a care plan if chiropractic care is appropriate. Otherwise, the patient will be referred to an appropriate medical doctor or emergency department to address the issue.