“The power that made the body heals the body. There is no other way.”

— B. J. Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic

Exercise Planning

What is exercise planning anyway, Doc? Well, exercise planning is a motivational approach geared towards taking patient who is not regularly exercising and helping them find a way to begin incorporating exercise into their daily regimen. Did you know that your daily activity is a good indicator of how long you'll live? If you're not getting daily exercise now, it is imperative that you start incorporating it into your routine today!

What are the advantages of exercise planning?

  • Do you hate lifting weights at the gym?

    Let me show you easy things you can do at home instead.

  • Are you not sure how to motivate yourself to start walking, jogging or running?

    Let me give you some proven tips to get you in the zone!

  • Do you just want to be able to stand and sit with greater ease?

    Absolutely. Who wouldn't? There are a variety of simple exercises you can do at home.

Each exercise planning session includes one adjustment. From there, we will address your specific fitness goals and work to develop and follow-up on a plan specific to you. These plans are tailored to each individual at each level of fitness.