“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

- Hippocrates

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition is probably the greatest factor in a person's overall health. Without proper nutrition, the body is unable to heal itself properly. It is essential for your health that you take nutrition into the heart of any wellness quest.

What are the benefits of eating better?

  • Lose fat and gain muscle mass

  • Sleep better

  • Wake easier with less brain fog

  • Healthier sexual function

  • Increased life span

The goal of these sessions is to help you find a better outlook on diet and nutrition and help foster a healthier relationship with food in general. Fad and crash diets are not a healthy way to approach nutrition. I will be your sounding board if you have dietary questions, and I can help get you started on a healthy diet path by providing a meal-plan tailor-made for you.

Each nutritional counseling session includes an adjustment and the remaining time is used to help create a meal plan for you or follow-up with what we have already done.