“The power that made the body heals the body. There is no other way.”

— B. J. Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic

Physiological Therapeutics

Physiological therapeutics, or PT, are a very important part of the recovery process for any musculoskeletal injury. That said, as a chiropractor, I typically only focus on PT for minor injuries and some sports-related injuries. Most PT that I use is completed with therapy bands, stretching and body-weight exercises. Most new patients will receive instruction on a few basic spinal stabilizing exercises as a complimentary addition to their care plan. Beyond those exercises, I am able to offer strength and stabilizing exercises as well as cold laser therapy to my patients.

Strength and Stabilizing Exercises

Most injuries occur at unstable joints. Therefore, it is essential that the musculature around each joint be capable of stabilizing the joint properly. Sometimes, that means strengthening one muscle to match the other muscle, and sometimes it just means teaching the muscles how to work together properly. Regardless of your injury or the joint, I am able to offer you exercises to help get you back in shape and ready for more!

Cold Laser

Cold Laser therapy is an incredible therapy that I have used and loved for years. I am now able to provide this unique therapy to my patients. Cold lasers utilize Grade II medical lasers that can penetrate the skin without injuring it! The laser beams shine through the skin at specific frequencies and wavelengths in order to ease pain, promote cellular healing and reduce inflammation. Cold lasers have been shown to increase healing time for most injuries! Cold lasers, however, are not suitable for any metabolic or metastatic process.

PT appointments last between 8 and 15 minutes and do not include an adjustment. You may, however, schedule your PT appointment immediately following your adjustment appointment. Prices for these services vary depending on amount of time required for each modality. Please contact us for specifics regarding a treatment protocol designed specifically for you.